
Sharing WINGS workflows with Docker

Authors: Daniel Garijo, Varun Ratnakar and Rajiv Mayani.

Goals: This tutorial aims to capture the different ways of sharing scientific workflows with WINGS and Docker.

Requirements: Have Docker installed.

Table of contents

  1. Glossary of terms
  2. Sharing a single component
    1. Building a wrapper to run a Docker image of our component
  3. Sharing a WINGS instance with pre-installed software
    1. Run WINGS as a Docker image with existing software
    2. Copy results produced by the executions of multiple workflows into your local computer
  4. Import a WINGS’ domain into a WINGS dockerized image
  5. Run dockerized components in the WINGS Docker image, (i.e., upload custom Docker images of components in WINGS)
  6. Save workflow descriptions in a new Docker image
    1. Upload your image to DockerHub

Glossary of terms

Throughout this tutorial we will be using a common set of terms, which is defined further below:

Workflow component: Identifies a script that is used to perform a computational step in your experiment. For example, if in your experiment you need to filter the data and use a script for that, we can consider that script a workflow component.

Scientific workflow: A set of components and their corresponding dependencies. In data-oriented experiments, scientific workflows tend to be represented as directed acyclic graphs, where the nodes represent components and data inputs and outputs, and the edges represent their connections.

Workflow system: Framework that can design and use workflow specifications to execute them and produce the results.

WINGS: The workflow system we will be using in this tutorial

Sharing a single component

Scientists usually describe the set of components or scripts they develop in a computational experiment for two main reasons: 1) To be able to reproduce their own experiments in the future and 2) to share these components with the rest of the scientific community. However, components often have dependencies and use particular types of data in their executions, being difficult to re-execute in other computers.

In this section of the tutorial we aim to upload a dockerized version of our component to WINGS without having to install all the dependencies on the server ourselves.

Building a wrapper to run a Docker image of our component

There are two ways of running components in WINGS through Docker, and for both of them you first need to install Docker on the WINGS server. Then, the first option is to create a Docker file for your image, and use the name of that Docker file in your component. The second option is to directly import a Docker image from an external repository like DockerHub.

A tutorial covering both approaches can be found in the following link:

Sharing a WINGS instance with pre-installed software

When you want to deploy your workflows in your local infrastructure, the best way to do so is to install an existing WINGS image with pre-installed software, workflows and dependencies. The workflows should be able to run, and you should be able to create new workflows and upload the appropriate data. There are different actions that you might be interested in:

  1. Run WINGS as a Docker image with existing software
  2. Copy results produced by the executions of multiple workflows into your local computer
  3. Import a domain into a WINGS dockerized image
  4. Run dockerized components from the WINGS Docker image, (i.e., upload Docker images of components)

Running WINGS as a Docker image

Alternative one: Pull the docker image from the WINGS repository

Execute the following to pull the image we built:

docker pull kcapd/wings-base

or, if you are interested in an image with pre-installed genomics components (such as TopHat, samtools, etc.), try: docker pull kcapd/wings-genomics

(Jump to the “Running the Docker image” section)

Alternative two: Build the docker image yourself

The following Docker file defines WINGS and its dependencies.

FROM debian:jessie
RUN sed -i 's/debian testing main/debian testing main contrib non-free/' /etc/apt/sources.list

# Install general tools
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install graphviz unzip curl libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2-dev python-pip tomcat8 git cgroupfs-mount maven

# Install WINGS
RUN mkdir -p /opt/wings/storage/default
ADD ./config/default/wings-portal.xml /etc/tomcat8/Catalina/localhost/wings-portal.xml
ADD ./config/default/ /opt/wings/storage/default/
RUN mkdir /wings-src
ADD ./config/pom.xml /wings-src/pom.xml
RUN cd /wings-src && mvn package
RUN cp -R /wings-src/target/wings-portal-4.0 /opt/wings/server
RUN sed -i 's/Resource name="UserDatabase" auth/Resource name="UserDatabase" readonly="false" auth/' /etc/tomcat8/server.xml
RUN sed -i 's/=tomcat8/=root/' /etc/default/tomcat8
RUN sed -i 's/<\/tomcat-users>/  <user username="admin" password="4dm1n!23" roles="WingsUser,WingsAdmin"\/>\n<\/tomcat-users>/' /etc/tomcat8/tomcat-users.xml

# Install Docker
RUN apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends apt-transport-https ca-certificates software-properties-common gnupg2
RUN curl -fsSL$(. /etc/os-release; echo "$ID")/gpg | apt-key add -
RUN add-apt-repository \
   "deb [arch=amd64]$(. /etc/os-release; echo "$ID") \
   $(lsb_release -cs) \
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install docker-ce

# Start WINGS
RUN chmod 755 / 
CMD / && service tomcat8 start && /bin/bash

Remarks: This Docker file also installs Docker, so we can run dockerized components within our container as well.

Time to buid: 10-15 min (depending on your internet connection). Size: 1.08 GB. The Docker file sets up the WINGS environment.

Now you just have to build the docker image:

docker build -t [IMAGE_NAME] .

The IMAGE_NAME should be the name of the image. In my case I called it wings:latest

Running the Docker image

Run the file (download :

# If [NAME] is not specified, it defaults to wings.
./ [NAME]

This file will execute the container with the following options (it is assumed that the image name is kcapd/wings-base:latest):

docker run --interactive \
               --tty \
               --env WINGS_MODE='dind' \
               --volume "${NAME}_vol":/opt/wings \
               --name ${NAME} \
               --publish 8080:8080 \
               ${ARGS} wings:latest

Note: If you pulled the image from the kcapd repository, use “kcapd/wings-base” instead of “wings:latest”.

If you want to stop the WINGS container, execute the following command:

docker stop wings

Attention: If you remove a container execution, you will delete the data, workflows and executions created on it. You can stop the execution without an issue. See Section 2 to save your changes locally.

If you start and stop your container several times, sometimes the volume is not mounted correctly and leads to errors. In those cases you should remove your volume:

docker volume rm wings_vol

And call the script again

Attention: If you remove the volume, you will delete the data, workflows and executions created on the container. See Section 2 to save your changes locally.

Accessing the web interface from the Docker image: http://localhost:8080/wings-portal

Copy results from different executions into your local computer

You can access the results from your workflows, using the web browser: http://localhost:8080/wings-portal, going to “Analysis->Access Runs” or “Advanced ->Manage Data”. Whenever a file is downloaded, it will be saved to your local computer.

In order to save the results from your WINGS dockerized image, you have to mount another volume. The volume will be used to copy the results of the workflow to your localhost computer:

  1. Edit the script adding another volume after the --volume "${NAME}_vol":/opt/wings \ line:
--volume "c:/Users/dgarijo/Desktop/sharedFolder":/out \

In the tutorial we are sharing a folder on the local computer on path c:/Users/dgarijo/Desktop/sharedFolder. The shared folder in the container will be called out

  1. Execute the

  2. Select the folder with results that you want to copy. Unless the Dockerfile is changed, it should be on
    cd /opt/wings/storage/default/users/username/domain/
  3. Copy the results you want to the mounted volume:
    cp /opt/wings/storage/default/users/admin/blank/data/out1.txt /out/out1.txt

Those result will appear on your shared folder.

Importing an existing domain inside the WINGS Docker image

This functionality can be done as if we did it through the portal:

  1. Go to http://localhost:8080/wings-portal/users/admin/domains

  2. Click on Add and Import domain.

  3. Go to and select the URL of the domain to download. This tutorial has been tested successfully with the domain in students/, running the CaesarCypher workflow (it has no infrastructure dependencies). Other domains may have particular infrastructure requirements that would need to be installed on your Docker image.

  4. Click submit and wait until the domain is imported. It should appear shortly after in your domain list.

Running Docker components inside the WINGS Docker image

You can run dockerized components inside the WINGS Docker image too. Since we already introduced in another tutorial how to create an image with your components (see, here we will just show how to reuse existing images.

In this case we are going to use the “sort” function included in the samtools package. We will reuse the image: comics/samtools, stored in Dockerhub. Your “” file should look like:


checkExitCode() {
 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
     echo "Error"
     exit 1;

BASEDIR=`dirname $0`
. $BASEDIR/ 1 0 1 "$@"


if [ "${WINGS_MODE}" == "dind" ]; then
set -x
    echo "Docker Mode"
    if [ -e ${BASEDIR}/Dockerfile ]; then
        pushd ${BASEDIR} > /dev/null
        docker build --tag html2text .
        popd > /dev/null

    docker run --volumes-from ${HOSTNAME} comics/samtools samtools sort -o $OUTPUTS1 $INPUTS1
	exit 0

You can download the component and a sample file from this github repository as well.

Share a Docker image with workflows, new software and data.

In order to save ALL the workflows, executions, new installed software and data from an image, you must follow the next steps:

  1. Stop the tomcat service in your WINGS image (for consistency). Execute service tomcat8 stop

  2. Copy the “default” folder in the image. You must use the same terminal in which the WINGS image was executing: cp -r /opt/wings/storage/ /storage. Also, you may restart the tomcat service now if you want to continue using WINGS: service tomcat8 start

  3. Open a new terminal and type: docker ps -aq | xargs -I % docker commit % genomics-new. This will save your current image as “genomics-new”. Please change the name if you want your image tobe saved under a different name. Note: this assumes that you are only executing one container. If you are executing several containers at the same time, execute docker ps and then use the id of your container when committing the new image.

All your contents are now saved on “genomics-new”. You can check this by executing docker images and checking that your new image is bigger in size than the original one.

Load data, workflows and software from a committed image.

In the previous section we have seen how to save your domains in a local image. However, if you run you will see that WINGS is not loading everything correctly. You must follow the next steps to address this issue:

  1. In your image, stop the tomcat service: service tomcat8 stop.

  2. Load the folder we just saved in the right path: cp -r /storage/ /opt/wings

  3. Restart the tomcat: service tomcat8 start

And that’s it! if you reload your browser you should see all your workflows and domains as you left them.

Upload your image to DockerHub

Once you have an image ready, the next step is to make it available online. First, you need to create a Docker id, which will allow you to register images on the Docker cloud. Then, you have to login, tag and push your image, as indicated in the Docker documentation to push your image online in your repository. Note that you can only push to a repository where you have privileges.